Flying from Mumbai to Agra via Jaipur

The scale tipped in favor of the destination over the journey itself, but in retrospect, they were even. We were flying from Mumbai to Agra via Jaipur and we were the only passengers on the aircraft.

We headed up early in the morning to the airport for the Mumbai – Jaipur – Agra flight, to see some landmarks in India. We would be staying there for few days. I had been so looking forward to this trip since my first time in India. It was exciting to say the least!

Aerial View of Agra, India
Aerial View of Agra, India

Our flight was delayed which was a part of the chain of late flights. It was a relief to finally get on the airplane flying to Jaipur after few hours of waiting. I was visualizing the map of India, and considering how big it was, we would be flying up north for several hours.

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European Skywatch Friday | At 35,000 feet

European Skies

My European Skywatch Friday skywatch photographs taken aboard Boeing 767 on our trans-Atlantic flight en-route to the Netherlands last year. It was great seeing the ocean of clouds and the dawning skies on the horizon, a very wonderful, humbling and blessed sight to behold.

European Skies

It is especially cool since we had a challenging time applying for Schengen Visa. Miami office of the Netherlands Consulate said my papers were okay. We had had several email exchanges with the New Orleans sub-office because of the health insurance thing. The work company is international with employees from all over the world. I am also covered when I travel outside of the USA. We had the company benefits department involved already in making the New Orleans office understand. Miami said its OK. So now we are ready to receive my passport back which we Fedex’ed earlier this week, with Netherlands visa already. We were taking care of it, making sure everything would be dealt and settled with so we can have my visa to the mid-October trip.

European Skies

In retrospect, I totally understand the strict document requirements. After completing the paperwork, it felt great to be able to fly, and get my timely European Skywatch Friday.